Student success starts with a safe campus
创建安全的校园,提供安全的学习环境, 通信, and crisis management for schools.
An intelligent campus is a safe campus. 用基于意识的紧急通知计划保护你的学校, 协调, collaboration and notification. Improve your critical response time through reliable, 易于使用的, cost-effective communication networks. 学校的危机管理始于确保持续教育和协作学习的IT安全网.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业版可帮助您的学区或大学做好应对任何紧急情况的准备,并确保学习的连续性. 专注于有效和安全的远程通信和IT基础设施,结合周到的规划和培训,以帮助学生取得成功.
Campus resiliency solutions empower student safety:
- 提高对快速准确的紧急通信的响应能力
- 改善与急救人员的协调和信息共享
- 通过快速、大规模的社区通知来增加沟通
- 无论是校内学习、远程学习还是混合学习,都要保证学习的连续性
Make every campus a safe campus
Every school wants a safe learning environment. 拥有一个强大的应急通信解决方案可以缩短响应时间,并使您能够专注于关键决策. 增加 awareness and responsiveness 允许您识别校园发生的事件并管理您的反应.
Safety is also enhanced through improved 协调 and communication, 这意味着要立即与合适的人分享关键信息, especially first responders. Saving time means saving lives.
增加 communication through swift, mass notification through various channels keeps students, parents and faculty also informed in real time.
学习的连续性 远程学习对学生和教师的健康和安全至关重要. A virtual classroom experience, 可以在家里使用和校园里一样的工具, is essential for remote learning. 提供个性化服务, 确保学生和教师所需的学习环境, even in hybrid situations.
How do we help education customers?
一个“安全”的校园不仅仅是通过群发通知来应对事件. You must be aware of critical events, coordinate and collaborate with response teams, 并向个人和校园设备发送统一的信息. 将统一通信的功能与增强的设备集成相结合, 通知和紧急呼叫,以减少响应时间和提供一个安全的校园环境.
How do we help Higher 教育 customers?
- 意识:实现对异常或紧急事件的不间断协调监控和感知
- 协调:整合和监控物联网设备、安全和安保系统
- 协作*通过创新沟通,协调应急响应和协调
- 连续性:使用简单易用的技术确保安全和保持社交距离
How do we help Early 教育/K-12 customers?
- 规划制定基于风险的安全计划,以满足每个校园的需求
- 沟通:使用多种通讯方式即时连接老师、家长和学生
- 协调在正确的时间、正确的地点接触正确的人
- 通知部署协调一致的反应、通知和疏散
- 连续性:提供一致的,优质的教育服务,无论是在课堂上,在家里或作为混合
Student Centric 服务 and Campus Safety3/400:01:41
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Revitalise education with a modern campus network
一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, research and business priorities today and tomorrow.
Solve education challenges with a modern campus network
一个现代 campus network helps streamline operations, 降低成本, and offers a safe and caring place to work and study.