Healthcare IT solutions for digital age care providers
ALE’s healthcare IT solutions connect patients, staff, devices, processes and facilities efficiently, securely and in compliance with privacy laws.
医疗保健IT领域的创新使护理提供商能够为其员工和患者提供革命性的互联数字体验. Digital transformation enables ubiquitous access to quality care for all, simplifying day-to-day operations through connectivity.
ALE提供医疗保健IT解决方案和工具,提供有助于优化患者护理途径的重要服务. Simplified, 有效和安全的通信使临床医生能够更好地协作,并花更多时间与最重要的人——他们的病人——在一起. The result is better outcomes for patients, staff and communities.
We enable digital age care providers to:
- Offer patients a better healing experience from welcome to discharge
- Redefine care delivery and simplify daily workflows of clinical staff
- 为患者、临床医生和设备提供安全可靠的连接
- 确保人员、数据、资产和设施的效率、安全和隐私
- Enhance the care staff workplace to improve senior living
Optimise the care pathway for better outcomes
治疗体验始于高质量的欢迎,随后是通过使用secure轻松登录实现的顺利入场 Wi-Fi 以用户友好的结尾 room phone. 所有这些都是在住院期间与外界保持联系所必需的. Patient digital engagement continues within the facility with 自导服务 and interactions with the hospital and their care team via Rainbow, during their stay and after discharge.
改善护理服务, 临床工作人员期望充分的移动性和高性能的WLAN连接各种IoMT, 医疗设备和设备在移动,无处不在的访问健康数据. 他们需要使用工具简化他们的日常工作,以便与同龄人轻松沟通和协作, 病房内外, with nurses, 对于病人. An 资产跟踪 solution reduces time to locate people and equipment, improving efficiency and enabling more patient care time.
Hospital, clinic and nursing home CIO need to tackle public health priorities, optimize operations and ensure data security and compliance. A Digital Age Network (DAN) has a secure, robust, 高性能有线和无线局域网基础设施,为传递信息提供了新的性能水平, 定位服务及 物联网连接. dan能够提供出色的患者护理,优化流程以改善结果.
A real-time, 可靠的通信系统和通知服务器是确保患者和工作人员安全的关键. Operations can also be optimised through CPaaS integration of voice/video/chat with clinical processes.
Why do customers choose ALE healthcare solutions?
患者、临床和管理人员受益于增强的用户体验. 患者成为他们的护理途径的参与者,医疗保健专业人员提供及时有效的护理, with:
- 出院后,通过医院应用程序和门户网站与护理人员保持更好的数字互动
- Excellent mobile connectivity experience
- Enhanced collaboration and communication
Technology supports healthcare digital transformation. 升级的网络确保准备好支持多个连接的设备, 更高分辨率成像, 为图像引导治疗或人工智能应用等新的医疗实践打开了大门, including:
- 更高的性能、可扩展性、更好的安全性和高效的IoMT管理
- Increased efficiency thanks to unified network management
- Enhanced protection of people, assets, data and buildings
- Ubiquitous access to information on any device with the lowest latency
- Streamlined workflows, saving time and simplifying day-to-day activities
- Optimized operational and maintenance costs
- 由于灵活的云计算或混合模式提供“即服务”通信,降低了资本支出
特色客户:ACT Health
The Mayotte Hospital secure their communications1/1000:04:56
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Stepping up Security with a Zero Trust Network - HIMSS/ALE5/1000:40:22
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OmniAccess Stellar At-a-Glance Guide Brochure
OmniAccess恒星WLAN产品组合提供全方位的接入点,包括最新的Wi-Fi 6技术.
Rainbow Alert datasheet EN
阿尔卡特朗讯企业信息系统彩虹警报是为临床和非临床工作人员设计的. It helps manage critical situations more …
Improving senior living with technology
本文件概述了技术如何帮助居民改善福祉, 健康和安全, while improving the workplace for care staff.
Connectivity and communications solutions for senior living…
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise delivers flexible, 安全且高度可用的数字时代解决方案,用于互联的老年生活设施, 养老院和屁股…
Improving senior living with technology
本文件概述了技术如何帮助居民改善福祉, 健康和安全, while improving the workplace for care staff.
Students play a key role in driving innovation
当今大学生的新鲜思想有助于创新, leading-edging technologies of the future.
Improve healthcare cybersecurity through Zero Trust
医疗保健IT网络中的零信任可确保跨应用程序和环境的所有访问, from any user, device, and location.
Improving care giver and patient experience through mobility
数字移动性如何使护理人员能够提供更好的患者护理和结果, while also improving the overall experience for patients.
Effective digital workplaces for caregivers
Simplify caregivers work life with mobile digital technology.
Learn more